This spacious, vintage, genuine leather ladies' handbag antique luxury shoulder messenger bag designer tote handbag will become your go-to daily bag. including robust handles, interior and outside pockets, and both. Use it for your regular errands, work, school, travel, church, or other activities and take note of how the top-grain leather softens and looks better with use. Laptops, notepads, textbooks, and other stuff can all be stored in our roomy tote bag for women.
Patchwork Women Crossbody Purse Handmade Cowhide Leather Tote Bag
Your go-to daily bag will be this roomy, traditional Drop shipping genuine leather ladies' handbag antique luxury shoulder messenger bag designer tote handbag handbags for women. featuring both internal and exterior pockets as well as strong handles. Use it for your everyday errands, work, school, travel, church, or other activities, and observe how the top-grain leather softens and improves in appearance over time. Our large tote bag for ladies has plenty of room for storing items like laptops, notepads, textbooks, and more.
The advantages of Drop shipping genuine leather ladies handbag are vintage luxury shoulder messenger bag designer tote handbag hand bags for women
Genuine top-grain leather was used to construct our large handbag. long-lasting and gains a patina with use.
It can contain items such as a 9.7-inch iPad, A4 files, a water bottle, sunglasses, a wallet, and more. CAPACITY: (L*H*D) 11.6" * 10.4" * 1.3"; Handle Strap: 10.24"; NW: 0.82kg.
STRUCTURE: Exterior: One zipper back pocket at the rear for tiny goods, like phones or cards. Interior: Leather tote bag with one zipper main compartment, one zipper pocket, and two open inner pockets.
WARM PROMPT: The smell of leather will dissipate after being exposed to air for a few days if you are using cowhide material.
Women's handbags with adjustable top handles can be carried as a laptop bag, a shoulder bag, or a tote. Women can use them whether they go shopping, work, date, or go about their regular lives.
FEATURES: One internal pocket to store smaller items safely and one large external pocket for easy access to purse essentials.
GREAT EVERYDAY BAG: Your go-to bag for work, school, travel, and daily errands will be our women's leather tote. Its large open bucket design makes it ideal for storing a variety of items.
Our leather shoulder tote bag is produced locally in China.